Wednesday, August 29, 2012


LEADER              BRAMBLESTAR- dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
DEPUTY             SQUIRRELFLIGHT- dark ginger she-cat with one white paw and green eyes
MEDICINE CAT JAYFEATHER- gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes
                                  APPRENTICE, BRIARLIGHT- dark brown she-cat with limp back legs and amber eyes
WARRIORS        MILLIE- striped silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes
                                APPRENTICE, LILYPAW
BRACKENFUR- golden-brown tabby tom with amber eyes
                                SORRELTAIL- tortoiseshell and white she-cat with amber eyes
                                CLOUDTAIL- long-haired white tom with blue eyes
                                BRIGHTHEART- white she-cat with ginger patches, one scarred eye, one green eye,        and torn ears
                                APPRENTICE, SEEDPAW
                                THORNCLAW- golden-brown tabby tom with green eyes
                                LEAFPOOL- light brown tabby she-cat with white chest and paws; amber eyes; former medicine cat
                                SPIDERLEG- long-limbed black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes
                                BIRCHFALL- light brown tabby tom with amber eyes
                                WHITEWING- white she-cat with green eyes
                                BERRYNOSE- cream-colored tom with blue eyes and a stubby tail
                                APPRENTICE, AMBERPAW
                                POPPYFROST- tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes
                                MOUSEWHISKER- gray-and-white tom with green eyes
                                LIONBLAZE- golden tabby tom with amber eyes
                                FOXLEAP- reddish tabby tom with green eyes
                                APPRENTICE, SNOWPAW
                                TOADSTEP- black-and-white tom with yellow eyes
                                APPRENTICE, DEWPAW
                                ROSEPETAL- dark cream she-cat with blue eyes
                                BLOSSOMFALL- tortoiseshell and white she-cat with blue eyes
                                BUMBLESTRIPE- very pale gray tom with black stripes and handsome blue eyes
                                DOVEWING- pale gray she-cat with blue eyes
                                IVYPOOL- silver-and-white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes
                                CHERRYSTEM- ginger she-cat with green eyes
                                MOLEFOOT- brown-and-cream tom with amber eyes
APPRENTICES                 LILYPAW- dark tabby she-cat with white patches and amber eyes
                                                SEEDPAW- very pale ginger she-cat with green eyes
                                                AMBERPAW- gray she-cat with white paws, muzzle, right ear, and amber eyes
                                                SNOWPAW- white tom with amber eyes
                                                DEWPAW- gray tom with amber eyes
QUEENS              HAZELTAIL- gray and white queen with green eyes (Mother to Foxleap’s kits: Smokykit- gray tom-kit with blue eyes, and Larchkit- ginger-and-white tom-kit with blue eyes)
                                ICECLOUD- white queen with blue eyes (Expecting kits)
                                CINDERHEART- gray tabby queen with blue eyes (Expecting Lionblaze’s kits)
ELDERS               GRAYSTRIPE- long-haired gray tom with yellow eyes

LEADER              ROWANSTAR- ginger tom with pale green eyes
DEPUTY             TAWNYPELT- tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
MEDICINE CAT MISTCLOUD- spiky-furred pale gray she-cat with blue eyes
WARRIORS        SMOKEFOOT- black tom with a ragged pelt and green eyes
                                CROWFROST- black and white tom with green eyes
                                RATSCAR- brown tom with a long scar across his back, yellow teeth, and green eyes
                                SNOWBIRD- sleek, pure-white she-cat with green eyes
                                OWLCLAW- light brown tabby tom with amber eyes
                                APPRENTICE, REDPAW
                                SHREWFOOT- gray she-cat with black paws and amber eyes
                                SCORCHFUR- dark gray tom with a torn ear and dark amber eyes
                                TIGERHEART- dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
                                PINENOSE- black she-cat with green eyes
                                FERRETCLAW- cream-and-gray tom with green eyes
                                STARLINGWING- ginger tom with green eyes
                                SPARROWFLIGHT- large tabby tom with amber eyes
                                DEWFALL- gray she-cat with blue eyes
                                KINKFUR- tabby she-cat with fur that sticks out at all angles and blue eyes
                                IVYTAIL- long-furred black, white, and tortoiseshell queen with green eyes
APPRENTICES                 REDPAW- huge black and reddish-brown tom with blue eyes
QUEENS              OLIVENOSE- tortoiseshell queen with green eyes (Mother to Smokefoot’s kits: Flamekit- mostly ginger tortoiseshell tom with blue eyes, Wetkit- dark gray tom with blue eyes, and Russetkit- dark ginger she-kit with blue eyes)
                                DAWNPELT- cream-furred queen with amber eyes (Expecting Crowfrost’s kits)
ELDERS               TOADFOOT- dark brown tom with green eyes
                                APPLEFUR- mottled brown she-cat with green eyes
                                SNAKETAIL- dark brown tom with a tabby-striped tail and green eyes

LEADER              ONESTAR- elderly, frail, small light brown tabby tom with amber eyes
DEPUTY             ASHFOOT- thin gray she-cat with blue eyes
MEDICINE CAT KESTRELFLIGHT- brownish-gray tom with white splotches and green eyes
                                  APPRENTICE, MOORPAW- wiry pale brown tom with amber eyes
WARRIORS        CROWFEATHER- very dark gray, almost black, tom with blue eyes
                                WHISKERNOSE- light brown tom with amber eyes
                                APPRENTICE, TICKLEPAW
                                GORSETAIL- very pale gray and white she-cat with blue eyes
                                APPRENTICE, QUICKPAW
                                HARESPRING- brown and white tom with green eyes
                                LEAFTAIL- dark tabby tom with amber eyes
                                EMBERFOOT- gray tom with two darker gray paws and yellow eyes
                                HEATHERTAIL- light brown tabby she-cat with smoky, heather-blue eyes
                                SWALLOWTAIL- dark gray she-cat with amber eyes
                                FURZEPELT- gray and white she-cat with blue eyes
                                BOULDERFUR- large, pale gray tom with blue eyes
APPRENTICES                 TICKLEPAW- white she-cat with yellow eyes
                                                QUICKPAW- dark ginger tom with green eyes
QUEENS              SEDGEWHISKER- pale, light brown tabby queen with blue eyes (Mother to Whiskernose’s kits: Antkit- brown tom-kit with blue eyes, Dewkit- gray-brown she-kit with blue eyes, Thistlekit- dark brown tom-kit with blue eyes, and Willowkit- gray she-kit with blue eyes)
                                SUNSTRIKE- tortoiseshell queen with a large white mark on her forehead and blue eyes (Expecting Harespring’s kits)
ELDERS               OWLWHISKER- pale light brown tabby tom with amber eyes
                                WEASELFUR- ginger tom with white paws and green eyes

LEADER              REEDSTAR- sleek black tom with dark blue eyes
DEPUTY             GRAYMIST- pale gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
MEDICINE CAT WILLOWSHINE- small dark gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
WARRIORS        MINTFUR- light gray tabby tom with amber eyes
                                ICEWING- pure-white she-cat with blue eyes
                                APPRENTICE, STREAMPAW
                                MALLOWNOSE- light brown tabby tom with amber eyes
                                ROBINWING- tortoiseshell-and-white tom with blue eyes
                                APPRENTICE, CREEKPAW
                                PETALFUR- gray-and-white she-cat with amber eyes
                                APPRENTICE, WATERPAW
                                GRASSPELT- light brown tom with blue eyes
                                HOLLOWFLIGHT- dark brown tabby tom with a pale-furred belly and amber eyes
                                MOSSYFOOT- brown-and-white she-cat with green eyes
                                DUSKFUR- brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
                                FLOODWATER- bluish-gray tom with blue eyes
APPRENTICES                 STREAMPAW- brown and white she-cat with blue eyes
                                                CREEKPAW- brown tom with amber eyes
                                                WATERPAW- blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes
QUEENS              TROUTSTREAM- pale gray tabby queen with yellow eyes (Mother to Mintfur’s kit: Beetlekit- light gray tabby tom-kit with blue eyes)
                                RUSHTAIL- light brown tabby queen with short legs and green eyes (Expecting Mallownose’s kits)
ELDERS               MINNOWTAIL- dark gray she-cat with fluffy fur and amber eyes
                                PEBBLEFOOT- mottled gray tom with green eyes